Thursday, November 12, 2009

Organization of Virb: the Social Network Site

Virb, I feel like, is organized in a very modern way. It might just be a visual aesthetic for me but I like how it isn't the average five links spaced out evenly at the bottom to direct you around the website.

On the main screen before you sign in, it is easy to see where to join if you aren't already a member, where to log in if you are, and where to see the tutorials if you don't know what you're doing. This probably helped the website create a larger or maybe more diverse (age wise) community because I could just see an older, semi-internet-illiterate person being able to sign up for this site because of the way the main page is organized.

Once you log in, your main page is pretty much organized in the same way. It's clear, concise, directs you where you need to go without having to think about it too hard. The headings are welcome, activity, manage, community, you.

The welcome tab is basically a page where they redirect you to the tutorial videos. Also, they have  nicely designed information on whats's new or what are some of the main features you should use. It's pretty standard but it's also nice to look at because of the design.

The activity tab, at least on mine because I haven't posted anything or created any groups yet, shows the recent activity in the general community kind of like the facebook home page has constantly updating information on your friends. What makes the organization of this website simple is the fact that you have these five tabs, and then if you click or roll over those tabs you have some sub tabs and on this particular page it includes contributions, comments, likes, groups. This will show you your own contributions, you're comments and those of others on stuff that is related to you, who has liked your stuff or liked stuff you have showed interest in, and the groups you are in and what is happening in them.

The manage tab shows you what changes you have made to your profile. As sub tabs they have photos, videos, text, status, quotes, links, audio, and feeds. This is where you can manage the contributions you have made with adding or deleting them, cropping, what group you want to put it in, etc.

The community tab is where you can see the relationships you have made. You can view your followers, or people who want to see updates on what you post, who you are following, or what new things people you are interested in are doing. Also you can see your circles. This is an interesting application type thing where you and selected friends or "space-internet" friends can make a circle of people and if you want to view specically what's going on with those people, you can just click on the circle. Then there are your standard messages, announcements, and messages from the groups you may join.

The you tab is just what you want your profile to look like. They are in the process of creating some new skins, and there is the option of submitting your own design to them. On top of that, you not only can use the standard ones they have, but you can make your own just for personal use which I think is a pretty awesome feature. I think it steps Virb out of the box a little more than other community art websites.

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