Why does yet another form of homegrown terror go ignored by this administration? Well that seems like an intense subject matter doesn't it? That was the first headline I read on the the Crooks and Liars blog. It is a piece on the terror inflicted upon Americans by Americans in terms of abortion. That piece instantly drew my attention because it is a serious controversy in America.
I also liked the fact that this particular author (there are multiple authors both men and women on this blog) started her piece by saying "I wasn't planning on writing about this today, but reading this really got to me". I can tell by her writing that she is passionate about this subject and that makes for even better of a blog post. I feel like in my writing, my better pieces are definitely the subject matters I feel strongly about.
The next post down another woman who wrote about Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate, Bob McDonnell, who appeared on Fox News Sunday this week. He was asked by Chris Wallace if his thesis he wrote back in 1989 was advocating a "radical agenda", and she writes about how McDonnell tries to downplay it.
It seems to me that these women feel strongly about women rights and strongly against those who say things like "women should be in the kitchen otherwise families will fall apart" which is basically the gist I got from McDonnell's interview about his thesis.
On a lighter note, the next post that caught my attention was one by someone names "scarce" who posted this video...
There is no other text talking about it so it is obvious this person thought the school accomplished something of great value and words were not needed (this also goes back to discussions on text vs visuals in which this case I think the two videos explain it all).
I think that these blog postings were definitely written competently. The paragraph structure is done well and each paragraph leads me to the next one nicely. I feel like I'm reading something I WANT to read, not something I NEED to read for my New Media Blog homework.
I feel that this blog is more personal which draws me to it. Like my

I believe one of the biggest reasons why I like this blog content, is that it's not just one competent writer, it's multiple. They all seem to have the similar styles to TimeOut Chicago and some articles in the RedEye. Also, I think they include some good pictures and videos which I believe assists a NEWS blog greatly.
All in all, I commend this blog for being great. I think to enjoy it, you would need to keep up on present news about social infrastructure in America, the economy, and America's inner battles but I guess that's why I enjoyed it.
Let's talk about blogs authored by multiple authors. Ask about them in class, would you?