Hahahahahaha (breath) Hahahahahaha (chuckle chuckle breath) hehehehe. First off, this is the most ridiculous outfit I have ever seen in a runway picture including the over-watched fashion flop shows that are on E!.
So I was clicking away on google, looking for one more fashion website, blog, or such to talk about "material communication" ... and such. I typed in "what is the current fashion craze?" and what did I find? A dress that seriously does look like it came from a bad French down-under cliche.
It happened to be one of the first pictures on World's Craziest Fashions. I suppose this outfit most certainly fits under that heading, as do many of the other outfits.

Like this one for instance which makes me think the model should be sent over to former President Clinton's residence with a bow tie on her head. I don't mean to be unpleasant but these types of websites make people think like that. You gotta laugh.
But one thing that I do not like about websites similar this one is that the creators usually think that simply posting funny pictures and sometimes funny comments is enough. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to go back to this website on a regular basis, if ever. This is mostly due to the fact that it's plain, it has annoying ads, and it has links that really don't have a lot to do with the website at all i.e. "Kanye West Fiasco" (if you're interested).
I think the most annoying part of the website, besides the giant banner ad on the top that says

The whole point is to get the visitor to laugh or at least smile somewhere deep down inside. I would say it accomplishes that but in the simplest form. This site should put more effort into the background being funny, the links being funny, and the ads being cut down on.
But in the matter of communicating funny fashion flaws, I believe if this guy, HogWild, wanted to be more successful, this content could be better translated into some sort of magazine. The content would probably have to be adjusted slightly depending on his audience; but in terms of a magazine, if you don't put effort into all the visual factors you have a failing idea, not to mention a giant hole of debt.
But lets be reasonable, have you ever seen a magazine that didn't put thought and effort into every little corner? I can't say that I have. Therefore I think it would be beneficial for this guy to put forth some sort of magazine (maybe it could be free like The Onion!). I'd say I would have a much higher chance of picking up a free magazine with this content more than once unlike the chances of me visiting this website again. It would definitely be something like picking up the Red Eye before I get on the train and taking it with me everywhere I go until I get through it all.
Also, on a side note, that middle aged ex-biker man I mentioned who is on the annoying ad that follows you around is definitely a picture of Mr. HogWild. OOPS!
So funny. Great link.