I love the color green. It seriously tickles the happy nerve in my eyeball. No, I don't care that green basically covers everything on the land, except for you know, deserts and maybe Forks, Michigan, but I love it. Aesthetically, I think it calls attention but it's not yellow, therefore its not like you're being cautioned to enter. Green also is an extremely calming color; it means life, growth, renewal, harmony, etc. It pleases the eye naturally, whether you like it or not (at least so say the crazy-people doctors). Substantively, if I'm getting the meaning correct since I wasn't in class (possessing substance; having practical importance, value, or effect) I think having a fill color of green in the background portrays my aesthetics in a substantial way. It gives my words more umph. It also neutralizes my words (especially in my personal blog) because of the color. It's not too green due to the box that the post is in which is a ncie light beige. Even the slightly darker diagonal stripes lead you to look at the post itself.

Second Template: Heaven ... ?
Gross! This template does nothing but remind me of boring books I had to read in high school, or maybe the end of semester exams, both were awful. But unlike my green template, this doesn't give any substance to my words. It makes it seem boring because its visual connotation is exactly what I said before, something like a test. It makes it seem like a chore to read it. Beside that, the whole align center symmetrical thing that's going on reminds me of green-thumbed type designers in the 1800s and their book printing techniques. Yuck. From the color definition, white is supposed to mean light, goodness, and purity but I don't think any of those feelings come across when looking at this. Maybe if it was shaped like an angel... There is no substantive nature because to me it seems as if a white background makes the blog seem less valuable, like it's not worth your time, like it is transparent to the giant universe of the internet.

Current Template: The Dark Side
I think this template is okay. Aesthetically I really like the contrast. It's easy to see the blog name at the top and it uses a color scheme that includes... green! which is used for the headers. I think black is very safe because anything will pretty much look good on black. Black signifies power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. I think in this context my blog looks slightly more powerful, just because of the color. The color more has to do with elegance and formality than death and evil. Unlike the white background, the black gives the words some substance. I look at the white like more of a hole than the black. Unlike the green, it loses its calming feeling. Like I said before, black means elegance and formality which in the substantive context pertains greatly to practical importance especially in the context of this blog for class. If I were to use this for my Beatnik Babble Broadcast blog I think it would look too formal. You probably wouldn't laugh at my bad jokes and sarcasm.

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