Question: Does it appear to me that EFFORT has been put into the design of this website?
Answer: I would say yes, it does seem that they put at least a little effort into this. It's hard to tell though because they might not have designed it themselves, they may have had someone else do it. And if that was the case then maybe they didn't tell the real designer what to do, let him wander on his own creative path, therefore not putting any, zilch, sip, effort into the design. But then of course they may have told this person what to do or maybe even did all the designing themselves.
If thats the case, then yes I would say that they took the appropriate measures to ensure that their website was not some god awful piece of crap that no one would look at for more than five seconds. That's what it's supposed to do. This isn't one of those crazy Coke interactive viral advertisements with midgets. This website wasn't made for a design competition, it was made for people who want to hear the news, so based on that I think we should all take it a little easy on the critique.
So yes, I see the effort. Beige screams news. Also they have, in the header, a "top videos" bar which is interesting. It made me watch the SNL Obama spoof which I wouldn't have seen otherwise. It's organized well, meaning that before you even think of scrolling down your eyes do a little swoop, transmits all that info to your brain, and then your brain decides whether you want to stay there or not. When I first looked at the site, I definitely thought it was worth staying at.

Question: Is it modern?
Answer: Yes I would say its modern. Its not bit-mapped and pixelated like 1992 but it doesn't necessarily fall into a certain trend that passing through. It reminds me of the Good Morning America website which I would say is also modern.

Question: Does it have personality?
Answer: Not really. One thing I think that does though, is the name of the website in red white and blue which gives the whole website a political feelings and adds to personality. Otherwise, I don't really think this site would stand out on its own. It's beige, enough said.
The Question/Answer organization is solid. It also screams, "system." That's great.