Reason:Using a color scheme means that your blog will most likely be more interesting to look at. Have it all one color is boring, pick three! (or something along those lines). If you're bad at picking a color scheme feel free to visit the Home Depot paint section and/or the adobe illustrator color guide (absolutely wonderful for design purposes). Making use of this aesthetic function will better direct your viewer and probably keep them reading for longer, as long as your content isn't completely abysmal.

Tip #2- Use Pictures that Grab Attention
Reason: They grab attention. They don't have to necessarily make sense, they just have to have some funny relation (or something along that line) to what you're writing about. It will keep your readers reading. It will make them laugh.

Tip #3: Italicize and Bold for Emphasis
Reason: It's better than WRITTING LIKE THIS WHEN YOU WANT TO GET SOMEONE'S ATTENTION because that just looks like you're yelling, and no one likes to be yelled at. So of you want to tell your reader that such and such was so funny or that this is the point you're making period (or to show a certain part of your post under a heading) use italiceze and bold your words.

Here we have a bold heading and "no idea"
in italics to emphasize some sort of stupidity.

Tip #4: Use a San Serif Font
Reason: San Serif fonts are more legible, in my opinion than serif fonts. Also, to use a blog you have to have internet and a computer and modern tech skills - the important word here is modern (italics!). I just don't think most serif fonts are modern and aesthetically do not suit blogs. Also the serif fonts that are contemporary probably can't be used on the web.

Tip #5: Use Witty/Sarcastic/Ironic Remarks
Reason: Even if you have a political/social/entertainment/economical/food/boring blog, you can still be a smart ass. One - you're readers probably aren't suspecting it if you don't tell them in you're blog description. Two - they will remember this surprising comment. Three - they'll probably share it with their friends which will ultimately get your blog looked at more often. Four - people need to lighten up, the economy is a mess.

This blog was nominated by Time as the top blog out there. In that little excerpt they say, "But in surprisingly short order, HuffPo has become one of the most popular and widely quoted sites on the web, its influence easily rivaling that of many mainstream media outlets. HuffPo's megamix of mostly liberal professional columnists, celebrity dimwits, political visionaries, party hacks, uncomfortable truth tellers, marginally successful but still struggling freelance writers, and just plain folks seems absurdly haphazard, but has proven to be the web's killer editorial model".
By the way I thought this sample excerpt was funny, "The fact remains: the surge is not working. Indeed, it is an abject failure on many fronts...Just as the Athenian army was lost in the quarries of Sicily, the American army is being lost in the deserts of Iraq."
by the way I spent like a half an hour trying to get my font to not be stupid and even though in my "compose"it looked like everything was fine, some paragraphs have a huge font when they shouldn't and I tried looking at the code and got a headache. I blame it on blogger, last night in the middle of this post the upload picture button stopped working too.